Born and raised in Los Angeles, Valerie has dedicated her life to helping her native Southern California community. Valerie attended the University of California at Riverside, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with an emphasis in Law and Society. Valerie aspires to become a lawyer and plans to attend law school in the near future. In the meantime, Valerie is committed to helping all of the clients of Stoll, Nussbaum & Polakov.
Nacida y criada en Los Ángeles, Valerie ha dedicado su vida a ayudar a su comunidad nativa del sur de California. Valerie es graduada universitaria de la Universidad de California en Riverside, donde retuvo su Licenciatura en Ciencias Políticas con énfasis en Derecho y Sociedad. Valerie aspira a convertirse en abogada y planea asistir a la facultad de derecho en un futuro cercano. Mientras tanto, Valerie se compromete a ayudar a todos los clientes de Stoll, Nussbaum & Polakov.